EDI Case Studies

Over the last twenty years we have worked on [hundreds] of EDI projects some of which are showcased below. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your specific business needs.

Development of an EDI process and building of full onboarding and documentation procedure.

Growing Business – Growing Requirements

As businesses grow, there comes a point when they need to evolve hopefully from a small company to a medium/large company. Their sales grow, their customer base expands, their IT team (sometimes) gets bigger but most importantly their IT capabilities need to become greater.

One capability, especially relevant to us, is the need to do EDI with partners. Of course there are companies in the market that will do EDI for firms ranging in size from the smallest “Mom and Pop” businesses to International enterprises spanning the globe. We partnered up with iCore Solutions and developed a whole process for a rapidly expanding work wear company.

Process Development

Using the iCore tool, we not only developed a suite of maps to fulfil customer needs, but also acted as a direct part of the IT and business team and developed the process and MIG documentation needed for the business to communicate their EDI requirements. We also took up the role or their onboarding resource – specifying any modifications, testing and documenting whilst they reached the scale they needed to do business electronically.

Support and Ongoing Assistance – As Needed

Now they have reached the scale, we can then handover a fully documented system which can be maintained by their internal team or by our resources.. The choice is completely theirs….and can be done to fit around what resource they have available to them.

Contact us

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about how we can help your business, please fill out the form, and we will get back to your shortly.